Bid Documents for the clearance of existing Garbage at Hulhumalé waste yard
New Planning & Development (Residential) Guidelines
Job Openings at HDC (Deadline 05th August 2015)
Proposal Entry Sheet for Hulhumalé Beach Side Café
Addendum 6 (Proposal submission and Opening for beach side Cafe’ )
Invitation to submit Expression Of Interest for Hulhumalé Phase II Stage 1 Road Development Project
Addendum 5 ( revision of Bid security Format for beach side Cafe’ )
BID documents for the supply & delivery of 06 (six) laptops and 01 (one) projector to HDC
Addendum 3 & 4 for the Development of a Cafe’ at Hulhumale’ beachside
Amended Request for Proposals for the Development of the Beach Side Café in Hulhumalé