Design, Supply & Installation of CCTV, Access Control, Intercom Systems and Fiber Network in Vinares Housing Project in Hulhumalé
Purchase of Microsoft Surface Pro 8”
މި ކޯޕަރޭޝަނުގައި ހުރި ބައުތަކެތި ވިއްކާލުމާ ގުޅޭ
Request for Proposal – Development and Operation of Channel Park Cafe/Restaurant in Hulhumalé
ހުޅުމާލެއިން ބީލަމުގެ އުސޫލުން ދިރިއުޅުމަށް ގޯތި ވިއްކުމާ ގުޅޭ
ހުޅުމާލެއިން ބީލަމުގެ އުސޫލުން ދިރިއުޅުމަށް ގޯތި ވިއްކުމާ ގުޅޭ
Submission and Opening Sheet – Development and Operation of Channel Park Café / Restaurant in Hulhumalé
Employee Mental Health Assistance Program
ހުޅުމާލެ ފޭސް 1 ގައި ޤާއިމުކޮށްފައިވާ ވަގުތީ މަސްމާރުކޭޓު ހިންގުމަށް ކުއްޔަށް ދޫކުރުމާއި ގުޅޭ
Invitation to Tender: Networking and Devices Installation at Workspaces at Centro Mall